Normally I blog, not to complain, but to share my problems and difficulties with other moms out there so that they can relate or even give me some solid (and much needed) advice. Today I'm going to write about something, and I honestly don't know if anyone of my other moms out there are going to relate to this. I'm sure most of you might shake your heads at me. Regardless, I'm going to share it, and anyone who reads this is welcome to give me their input.
Today, we're going to talk about religion.
I've been an atheist since I was a child. The idea of God just never rang true to me. I would be in church thinking "Really?" When I was about 17 I moved in with my aunt and was forced to go to a hardcore Southern Baptist church at least three times a week. At that point I decided to "try harder" with religion. I prayed all the time, read the bible several times over, was involved in several youth and bible study groups... Still nothing. Although I loved all the people I went to church with, I still wasn't in love with the church itself. Or its values. I've never looked down on anyone that was religious, it's just not for me.
Now, on to Sophie. She's been going to church with her dad's side of the family for a while now. And that's fine with me. I want her to grow up how I did. I want her exposed to religion and I want her to make her own educated decision without me forcing my opinion on her. I plan on doing so by educating her on the science side of the world and I guess her dad's side can take care of the religion part. I don't plan on telling her my exact feelings on the subject until she is much, much older because I don't want to influence her so young.
However my problem occurs when she asks me things like "Are angels real?" "Are you going to heaven when you die?" "Will I go to heaven?" I'm assuming they are discussing what happens after a person dies in church because yesterday she went so far to ask "What if I died right now?" What am I supposed to tell her? "Well, I personally think nothing would happen but according to your dad's religion you wouldn't be going to heaven because you're not baptized." UGH! I don't want to be talking about these things right now. So far all I've told her is that she should ask her pastor at church. My biggest struggle when she asked me why God made the earth and all the people. It's very hard for me to not to say "He didn't". I'm not even sure if I should try to explain evolution to her, or what. The Catholic faith is embracing it, so she should be able to as well, right?
Anyway, if anyone has an opinion or advice on this, I'd love to hear it. Whether you're a parent or not. This mom just needs some help.