I sold my TV. There are no televisions in my apartment as of Saturday. My TV is gone, my entertainment center is gone, and my living room is looking rather bare. No, I'm not crazy.
I announced on Facebook last week that I had decided to get rid of my television. I had a huge 52 or 53 inch flat screen. It was pretty nice. However, because of my schedule, I rarely used it. It would just sit there, off, and I felt like it was staring at me. I also feel like most living rooms have become a shrine to these huge televisions that everyone just sits in front of and they feel obligated to have it on at all times. I've been trying to cut down on Sophie's use of technology (especially since her father felt that a Kindle Fire was an age appropriate gift for a 3 year old). An average day in our house looks like this: Work from 7 am to 3pm, I pick up Sophie and we take a nap, and then it's time to cook dinner/pick up the house/bath time/bed time. In the hours between our afternoon siesta and bedtime I let Sophie have about an hour of Netflix and then she plays and reads while I do what I need to. We usually try to fit in a walk or a trip to the park as well. Ever since she got her Kindle she would ask for me to turn on the television and then get her Kindle and watch something else on that as well, or play her games. Now, if you ask me, a 3 year old does not need two tv shows at once and she doesn't need to play games on a tablet while watching TV either.
Ever since I told everyone of my plan to replace my televsion with a large bookcase (two smooshed together if I can't find the right one) I've gotten a TON of criticism. It is blowing everyone's minds that I don't want a television in my home. My only question to them is: You do realize that children lived without television for thousands of years right? I think she'll make it. I'm not saying it's permanent, I just think that it's the best thing for us right now, and I'm excited. Maybe it will inspire other people to stop using their TV to raise their children as well. Our home has been filled with books and music for a long time now, but I'm really happy with how my apartment is going to look once I get it set up the way I want.
Way to go! I think it's great not to have a tv with kids, especially as young as your daughter is. We didn't have a tv with ours and they found plenty to do without it.