I just wanted to update everyone on a few things going on for Sophie and I.
Home life: We're still living with the besty and his lady. Things are going well. I can tell Sophie misses having her own space and having to be a LOT more subdued because I don't want her driving everyone nuts (I'm not sure Wes and Lindsey have developed the tuning her out super power that I have). Overall it's nice though. We have a nice place and good friends. Hopefully in the next few months we will be able to find something for ourselves.
School: I'm on week three at my new school and classes are going well. I definitely have to study MUCH more than I did that last few years but I am taking core classes now instead of stupid gen ed classes that don't require much brain power. I thank my lucky stars every single day for my job and being able to study there. That, and having a boyfriend that is willing and interested to help me study.
Sophie's attitude: I quickly decided against the two week grounding after one of my favorite moms pointed out that I was setting up Sophie for failure. I think at this point she's pushing her boundaries with me and her stepmother has reported negative behavior at their place as well. I've decided that I'm just not going to acknowledge her whatsoever when she decides to throw a tantrum or to be rude. I'm still implementing the "yes ma'am' rule. She has gotten into the bad habit of back talking when I tell her to do something but she's quickly learning that when mommy says "jump" all she needs to say is "how high?". I hate to be so strict as fair as that goes but it worked for me when I had a raging temper and it seems to be working for her as well.
Me being partially crippled: I did a blog a few months ago about my back issues and anyone that knows me knows my back hurts just about 24/7. I went to a chiropractor yesterday and discovered a moderate curve in my spine and some pretty messed up sacral/illiac joints.Basically where my spine joins my pelvis is jacked up. I go back tomorrow for an adjustment. I know it won't get better right away but I'm hoping for some improvement as it's been severely limiting my activity and it hurts like hell.
That's all I can think of right now besides the fact that The Walking Dead starts this weekend. It's my favorite time of year because every Sunday we gather at Jenn's house for TWD nights. Before the show comes on we have dinner and dessert and play with the kids. Then the twins and Sophie enjoy bath time and we usually do a couple books before bed. Once the kids are asleep we turn on the show and I cover my eyes for most of it. It's my favorite day of the week because I get to watch one of my favorite shows with a group of my favorite friends and kiddos.
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