I'm not sure how many people know, but Sophie's stepmom is pregnant with a baby boy and is due in May. We are pretty sure he is going to make his arrival this week though, because she lost her mucus plug (I know, gross) the other day. Sophie has been talking about her baby brother non stop since they found out and she will NOT stop bugging me about THOSE BIRTH CONTROL PILLS I take and how she needs a baby sister.
Before you ask, I had to take her to pick up my prescription once and I try to be honest with her always so when she asked I explained to her what they were. Worst idea ever. EVER.
I feel so bad for her because I know how hard it was on me when my little sister was born. I was the baby of three and suddenly I was one of the dreaded middle children. Thankfull after a couple weeks I fell in love with my baby sister and wanted to be with her and help all the time. I can only hope Sophie does that well.
My biggest concern right now is that Sophie's dad already doesn't have much time for her lately. We haven't had a set schedule in MONTHS and I hate it. Joey and I have to cater to his schedule because her stepmom's pregnancy has been super rough and Sophie's dad is a police officer with a rotating schedule. What sucks though is that on top of his job, the hard pregnancy, and everything else he is trying to sell his house and I find him putting other things before her. I'm not criticizing, but it's been rough. He has had her only one day a week several weeks in a row and has been canceling/switching days around a lot lately. It's been hard on her and hard on us as a family because our schedule was erratic as it is and now she has no idea what's going on. I wish that we could be a normal split family so much, and that she could just seem him on the weekends, especially now that he has so much on his plate. It's only going to get worse when the baby comes and I hope that he finds a way to make time for her, or to let me set a normal schedule where she is with me and Joey most of the time and not bouncing around from house to house on random days. The worst is when I absolutely PROMISE that such and such day will be the day she sees her dad finally and then he turns around and has to cancel. Once again, not criticising, but it's hard on us both. And I hate having to cater to someone else's life for their sake and not mine or Sophie's. I always try to do what's best for her and not me but right now I feel like she and I are doing what he thinks is best and it's not really benefiting anyone but him. I hope we figure it out soon.
Just wanted to get that off my chest. Here's to hoping the nugget and I will have things back to normal. I can't wait to see how happy she is when she finally gets to hold "her baby Noah".
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