Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Sophie and I have some big changes coming up. First off, we are moving next month. I've decided to move in with a friend of mine and his girlfriend so that I can finally save money rather than trying to make it paycheck to paycheck. Thankfully she's known this friend since was a baby rather than just getting a random roommate that she's never met. I'm excited to be living in a house with a yard again. I'm hoping by next year we will be moving into our own place with our own yard, but the next few months should be pretty fun.

On top of the move we are also house-sitting for a friend. That will actually be kind of nice because we will have a place to stay that isn't full of boxes and packing tape. I'm sure our dog Rose will appreciate it. Our rabbit Gandalf passed away a couple weeks ago so he will not be making the move with us. He was a great pet, and I miss him terribly. It took Sophie about a week to notice that he was gone though. I used to give him free reign of the apartment so I suppose she just assumed he was hiding out for a while when she saw that his cage was empty. As of right now I won't be attempting to replace him considering the fact that I bought him for Sophie and he became more my pet than hers. This is also how I ended up with Rose. I though for sure she would love having a dog but they get along about as well as my older sister and I did as children ( TERRIBLY).

I will hopefully be making some career changes soon too. Not to jinx anything but I have an interview tomorrow at the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo in the education department. We will see how that goes. Even if I do get the job I'll still be at the daycare a couple days a week which is nice because as much as this place drives me nuts I'm not ready to leave.

Sophie met Joey finally too. She first met him at Rock the Plaza a few weeks ago. That went okay because at first she was very shy but when we left she gave him a flower and a hug. The following weekend we all went to the zoo and that was a disaster because she decided to be super weird at first by licking her notebook in front of him and then growling a bunch in the car (fairly normal Sophie behavior but not exactly what I was hoping for) and then she was super grumpy the whole way through the zoo. The only thing that made her happy was that she decided she was going to hold his hand and then she did fairly well with the rest of the trip through "Indonesia" and "Australia".

I'm still planning on keeping my dating and family life mostly separate but we'll be spending time together now and then. This weekend we're looking at a possible trip to the drive in, but who knows what we will get into. Hopefully she doesn't growl at him again.

1 comment :

  1. Wow! You have some major changes coming up and that is awesome! Was baby jeezus offended by the growling child?
