Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Weekend/Life Update

First of all, my weekend was pretty amazing. Sophie was at her dad's and Joey surprised me with a trip to Cedar Point. I haven't been since I was 15 and after buying a ticket for Riot Fest in September I just decided I was going to wait until next summer to go. The day started out with a pretty serious thunderstorm but thankfully it slowed to a drizzle by the time we arrived and the sun came out after a couple hours. The weather was perfect, the lines weren't insanely long, and I ran into a couple of my friends from high school in West Virginia. OH. And someone gave us their fast passes in the evening. That was sweet.

Sophie's Stepmom and I got her signed up for dance class. That starts in September. After we went to the studio's open house and got her registered my car decided to die. I had issues with it Sunday and even had to call into work for Monday but after replacing the battery I thought it was fixed. NOPE. Now I'm driving a Cadillac until it gets fixed. I actually kind of love it....

I didn't get the job at the zoo but I'm not even slightly upset because they only pay minimum wage and ain't nobody got time fo dat. I keep telling myself I need to find a "real" job but I think for now I'm going to stay at the daycare. I love my boss (and her babies), I love my coworkers, and I love the dogs. Sometimes I want to cry or rip my hair out but I guess that's any job. Plus I make more money cleaning dog poop and taking naps than I would be making at any of the jobs I've applied to so far.

Sophie and I start house sitting for Jenn on Friday so this weekend should be fun. I totally plan on taking advantage of her lovely fenced in yard and proximity to the Jorgensen YMCA and their awesome playground. I also start cat sitting for my friend/tattoo artist. His cat is hairless. I'm pretty excited to hang out with a hairless cat.

Towards the end of the month we will be moving in with Wes and Lindsey. I can't wait. I'm not saying I hate living in my tiny upstairs apartment but... I do. SORRY LYNN! Wes has a fenced in yard too. Yay! Hopefully it will only be for a few months, then Sophie and I can find a house of our own. The hard part is finding somewhere that allows dogs. I think since Rose ended up being so little she's just going to be a lab from now on :D

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