Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My mini me

Does anyone else have a super super small kid? Sophie and I were walking up the stairs to our apartment last night when I realized that she was wearing a dress that she had worn last summer. She wasn't wearing it as a shirt either (which I've been known to do on occasion if I really like a dress she has outgrown). It fit perfectly.

We've been given hand-me-downs from my niece. Her summer wardrobe from last year will be Sophie's wardrobe this year. Did I mention that Ana is not even two while Sophie is 3 and a half? She still wears 24 month sized pants! It drives me crazy.

I'm not sure if she's just going to be super tiny for the rest of her life or what. Her dad and I are like the same height so I'm slightly tall for a girl and he's kind of short for a guy. We're both average sized as far as weight goes. I have no idea where she inherited this itty bitty gene. Part of me wonders if it's because she was born a little early (although I was technically full term) or if it's because I had an extremely stressful and complicated pregnancy. I also worry that it's because she never eats. Literally. This child is the most picky eater I have ever met. Of course, her babysitter says that Sophie eats whatever she gives her. Not at my house. I once made lasagna and the first night she cried herself to sleep sitting up at the table so she wouldn't have to eat it. The second night, she cried for 45 minutes before she finally gave in and tasted it. Although she claimed to like it she took about 3 bites and said she was full.

The worst part about having a picky eater/child that eats like a bird is that parents have a couple instincts and the strongest is to make sure their children eat. It is infuriating to the point of me wanting to pull out my hair sometimes when she simply refuses to eat anything all day or barely picks at the food that I give her. Sometimes I daydream about her eating a huge meal. That would be lovely.


  1. :) First of all - you're up to early! LOL Have you met Devin's little one Brennica? She is 5 and I bought her a 4T dress for her Daddy Daughter dance this winter. Cute little peanut who is a picky eater too. My Madison is tall for her age now but SKINNY and a very picky eater as well. My strategy of making the boys sit at the dinner table until their food was gone doesn't work on her and it is frustrating. She gets full after a few bites, or her stomach hurts, or or or....you name it. I finally gave in to letting her eat little bits and then saving her food for later letting her know that that ice cream tempting her wasn't happening until dinner was done. She will pick and poke at it and eventually eat it all - as long as she doesn't feel forced - and it can take up to 1 1/2 hours :( . I did learn years ago that I could get my kids to try new food by giving them a quarter - lol I know, bribery - but hey it worked and it got Kelly eating asparagus! - Jenn

    1. Yes I know Brenny :) I wish I could bribe Sophie to eat... She probably wouldn't even if I offered to buy her a pony lol
